1. Place the computer in a well-trafficked area in the home where the whole family can use it, rather than out of sight in a bedroom. The computer should be set up where it is easy for parents to ...
(NC)—Child nutrition in Canada is changing. In the past, child hunger was seen as a result of poverty. Today, parents, teachers and principals alike realize that undernourished children come ...
Beginnings and Beyond:The Caregiver and Kindergarten Readinessby Wayne EastmanTo teach is to allow children to think for themselves, to discover and to create. To teach is to lead children to respect ...
(NC)—Even the most experienced parents can make mistakes. Dr. Donna McGhie-Richmond, Educational Specialist with Kumon Math and Reading Centres offers the following tips to help parents avoid ...
Some of the research on individual learning styles relates to the relationship between time of day and student learning. The following is a discussion of research reports summarized in major ...
Active Visitors
Children should advise their parent or guardian before sending
information over the Internet.